Monday, October 31, 2011

The Cost of Vampire Energy - SCARY!!

For our last post in National Energy Awareness Month and in honor of Halloween, let's talk about possibly the easiest way to lower your energy bills.  Unplug your electronics when not in use, and you can stop these gadgets from 'sucking' money out of your wallet!

The term 'vampire energy' applies to any device that is consuming energy while plugged in, but not in active use.  This standby energy drain can account for 5-10% of your annual budget.  Now, it's not practical to stop this from occurring with every electronic and appliance in your home, but there are some big time guzzlers that you can EASILY put a stake into:

  1. Plasma TVs (possibly the Dracula of vampire energy, this device can cost $150+ per year in standby electricity alone!)
  2. DVRs
  3. Powered Subwoofers
  4. Stereo Receivers

And generally speaking, the older the device, the greater the drain.

We hope you enjoyed our month long 'It's EASY Being Green Campaign' and hope you found some fast, easy and cheap ways to lower your energy bills while increasing your indoor air comfort!

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