Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Infrared Technology Behind Audits

The infrared scans we perform as part of our energy audits are by far our customers' favorite part of their assessment. Beyond the obvious 'cool' factor, it allows us to see that which is otherwise invisible - air flow. By interpreting temperature differentials, we can 'see' hot spots, cold spots, hidden moisture and more. It's an amazing technology.

What's infrared got to do with energy? Everything. We simply could not diagnose a property accurately without it, and it helps us better educate clients when we can show them how their home works. Combined with the blower door, which creates airflow for testing purposes, and the building science knowledge of the energy consultant, all the leaky cracks, gaps and cavities become glaringly obvious.

In appreciation of this technology, and to help customers understand how vital infrared is as part of an energy audit, we've created a short, free whitepaper called "How Infrared Works." It contains some photos from actual assessments I've performed over 16+ years and shares a little bit of the clients' stories and findings.

For those befuddled by all the different types of 'energy audits' being offered today, I think this will greatly enhance your understanding of why infrared must be used in any truly professional, comprehensive energy assessment. Plus, the photos and stories will raise your overall awareness and give you some things to think about in your own home.

Many thanks to John Elson and Dave Sorge with Inspect-It 1st Property Inspection for contributing their infrared expertise to the whitepaper!

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