Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 2013 Blog

Pro Energy Consultants Honor Earth Day 2013 with Home Energy Saving Tips

Monday, April 22 is Earth Day. Each year, more than one billion people participate in Earth Day related activities, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Citizens from approximately 192 countries voice their concerns for the planet by focusing awareness on environmental issues such air quality, climate change, deforestation, water conservation, food quality and waste recycling. Pro Energy Consultants is providing you with a list of simple yet effective energy saving remedies that you can take in your home. Even these small steps can help the planet by saving energy and can save you some money in the process.

Ten Simple, Yet Highly Effective Home Energy Saving Tips 

1. Turn off all lights, appliances and electronics when not in use. Let’s focus on the easiest task by putting it at the top of the list!

2. New and improved light bulbs can reduce energy use from about a third to as much as 80%. Replace old light bulbs with energy-efficient halogen incandescents, compact fluorescents and LEDs.

3. Properly insulate and seal air leaks to ensure that you aren’t compromising your home's energy efficiency. Reduce energy waste and save up to 20% on your utility bills while increasing home’s comfort level.

4. Use your windows shades to save energy. This is another incredibly simple action that can really help conserve energy. Close the blinds on the sunny side of your house during the summer and open the blinds in the winter to allow more sunlight.

5. Buy appliances with the Energy Star label, the government’s symbol of energy efficiency. Energy Star labels appear on a variety of consumer products and can save up to 30% on related electricity bills.

6. A programmable thermostat that is properly programmed can conserve energy and save up to 10% on cooling and heating costs.

7. Remember to clean or change furnace filters regularly to conserve energy. A dirty furnace filter slows air flow and makes the system work harder to keep your home warm.

8. Use low-flow faucets and shower heads to conserve water and also save on water bills.

9. Lower water heater temperature to 130° F to save energy and money on heating water. Also, to retain heat in the storage tank, wrap the water heater’s storage tank in a specially designed “blanket” to retain the heat.

10. Wash your clothes in cold water wraps up this list as another incredibly easy energy-saving task. By using cold water, you can save about $63 per year.

In the month of April, Pro Energy Consultants honored Earth Day with a ten-day countdown of suggestions and simple household contributions that everyone can make in support of saving our planet. For the ten days’ worth of eco-friendly family activities, water-wise gardening tips, vegan dining suggestions, E-waste recycling  guidelines and more -  please check out Pro Energy Consultants’ Facebook page and Twitter feed. Don’t forget to “Like” and “Follow” us on-line!

Also, suggestions for Earth Day and every day from:

National Geographic
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The Nature Conservancy
United States Environmental Protection Agency

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